Machine Learning Specialization

Machine Learning Specialization, #BreakIntoAI with Machine Learning Specialization. Master fundamental AI concepts and develop practical machine learning skills in the beginner-friendly, 3-course program by AI visionary Andrew Ng.

  • Build ML models with NumPy & scikit-learn, build & train supervised models for prediction & binary classification tasks (linear, logistic regression)

  • Build & train a neural network with TensorFlow to perform multi-class classification, & build & use decision trees & tree ensemble methods

  • Apply best practices for ML development & use unsupervised learning techniques for unsupervised learning including clustering & anomaly detection

  • Build recommender systems with a collaborative filtering approach & a content-based deep learning method & build a deep reinforcement learning model

    Advance your subject-matter expertise

    • Learn in-demand skills from university and industry experts
    • Master a subject or tool with hands-on projects
    • Develop a deep understanding of key concepts
    • Earn a career certificate from Stanford University

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    Specialization – 3 course series

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