Fce Zaria Provost

Federal College Of Education, FCE Zaria Provost, Dr. Sulaiman Balarabe has celebrated his one year anniversary in office by listing numerous achievements which clearly shows his progress in office.


Since his assumption as the substantive Provost, the College has witnessed tremendous achievements due to his vast experience and leadership style. The recent developmental changes being observed in the College did not come as a surprise to many of us that have worked with Dr Suleiman Balarabe in the past. 

The policies he has brought in the last 12 months of his stewardship are connected with the developmental changes.

These policies are so weighty that they are capable of creating a new mindset, sense of security and comfort, among the staff, students and the College community of this great citadel of learning, thus, bringing an end to the fear, pains and displeasure of students in the College.


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The College community is pleased with his humanitarian style of leadership, through which the College has recorded outstanding achievements.


  1. Reduction of school fees and other fees paid by the students at the NCE level for both part-time and regular students
  2. The first College to pay 2021/2022 affiliation fees to Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and Usman Danfordio University, Sokoto respectively,  in order to resolve the age long problems and challenges facing affiliated students of the College.
  3. Ensuring stable water supply within the College students hostel, Chief Lecturers block, new Maths block and the FCE community.
  4. Ensuring the creation of a more hygienic and conducive learning environment, through mass clearing of bushes, Setting up of Task force on infrastructure repairs in the college which is headed by Deputy Provost and fumigation of the entire College.
  5. Prompt Payment of financial benefits of dead workers of the College.
  6. Boosting the effectiveness of the facilities and expansion in the College Clinic to ensure quick response to any form of emergency within the College by employing more Medical Doctors, Pharmacists and Consultants.
  7. Digitalization of security outlets using barcode to track motorcycle thieves, rebuilding falling walls that were abandoned and being used as entrance and exit route by bad elements. 
  8. Promotion of sustainable relationship within the College community by supplying water daily to the immediate communities that have low water supply.
  9. Purchase of fire service vehicle for the College, which is now serving Zaria environs.
  10. Provision of the anti-malaria Drugs for College clinic and  expansion of the clinic environment 
  11. Constitution of Task force headed by Deputy Provost to regularly supervise all College facilities and emergency  repairs of damaged ones, where necessary. 
  12. Adequate supply of diesel to all standby generators of the College such as Admin Block, M.I.S. Unit, FCE Zaria FM, CBT Centre and installation of solar light in all schools in the College including school Clinic.
  13. Enhancing cordial relationship with all the unions in the College, these include: COEASU, SSUCOEN, NASU, and NACEATON. 
  14. Ninety percent work on the Provision of Internet connectivity to  improve students’ learning and lecturers’ productivity.
  15. Reduction of fees for collection of certificates from N 14,000 to  N2,500 to both NCE regular and part-time students
  16. Introduction of installment payment of Part- Time School fees  by Part-Time students, this has led to the geometrical increase of  part-time students
  17. Adequate and timely supply of examination materials for  smooth academic activities being carried out in the college
  18. In his one year, he ensured that all TETFund interventions such  as  library maintenance, AST and D, IBR, Teaching Practice and  others are timely accessed and judiciously utilized.
  19. Initiated plans to complete all TETFund projects that are behind  schedule and those abandoned, this has led to completion of  New Maths Block, New CBT Block, etc.
  20. Strict compliance with Procurement Act, 2007 (PPA), Public  Procurement Manual (PPM), Regulations and circulars in all  Procurement process.
  21. Speedy procurements of all necessary materials needed and  replacement of broken desks and chairs in various classrooms  for the effective running of the College.
  22. Settlement of outstanding salaries of security  Personnel, casual  staff  and   employment of new ones.
  23. Settlement of outstanding allowance of some Visiting Doctors  in the College Clinic from the Capitation and employing  more  locum Doctors and Pharmacists and setting up committee that  will be looking into the demands of the clinic time to time
  24. Payment of outstanding departmental allocation to Deans and  Heads of Departments, for the smooth running of their offices. 
  25. Road rehabilitation and interlocking of some premises of  buildings of the College and ensuring their completion
  26. Planting of 600 trees to mitigate climate change and make the  College environment more conducive for learning, etc.
  27. Appointment of young members of staff to man some Units in  the College, for them to learn from their senior colleagues  which has  boosted efficiency and smooth operation in the  College.
  28. Collaborating with agencies and NGOS, e.g. Total,  NITDA,  JICA etc.in order to improve the welfare of both students and  staff of the College.
  29. Establishment of NIMC Center.  Relocation of MIS Unit and  CBT  Centre straightening of College website.
  30. Maintaining open-door policy, in order to encourage openness  and transparency with all College stake holders, by scheduling  Thursdays as staff visiting day to the Provost office to all.
  31. Provision of Identification cards to students as soon as they are  registered and registration of Motorcycles with barcode to  stop the frequent stealing of motorcycles in the College.
  32. Creating an enabling environment to interact between  staff,  students and College community frequently during his one  year in office.
  33. Introduction of new degree courses (B.Sc.Ed Computer Science,  B.Ed Economics and B.Ed Curriculum) with Affiliation from  Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto. 
  34. Completion of the only Capital Project (1500 Capacity Lecture  Hall by the Federal Government in the College since 2016.
  35. Timely issuance of original certificates to part-time and regular  graduates and also decentralization of B.Ed results  computation to various departments. 
  36. Construction of lift in the administrative Block through  internal  Generated  revenue (IGR), which is a capital  project.
  37. Construction of new sport pavilion complex and fencing.
  38. Provision of additional shuttle buses as little as N70 only for transport fair to  Samaru, Sabon  Gari and Zaria city respectively.
  39. Restructuring of FCE Zaria Alumni both National and Local  chapter
  40. Ensuring FCE Zaria affiliated students to ABU, Zaria to collect their  statement of result in FCE Campus, first of it king in the history of FCE, Zaria.
  41. He brought back FCE FM teachers voice back to life and is one of the best radio station now in Zaria 
  42. He also reinvigorate remedial units, which has many programs for staff and community.
  43. Provision of lap-tops for all B,Ed examination office, to ensure smooth and timely computation of results.
  44. Establishment of new  directorates, such includes: Directorate of ICT, Directorate of Continue Education etc
  45. Introduction of TeCETEL Centre of Excellent, which is one of its kind in North West, Nigeria.
  46. Restructuring of ZAFEC Micro finance Bank, by appointing new Manager to set good ground for independency as a bank.
  47. He has also mandated all schools, departments, directorate and units to open an account with ZAFEC Micro Finance Bank for easy financing of their needs.
  48. Additional appointment of younger lecturers to assist in a various units and directorates.
  49. Influencing the installation of Biofuel station of the Hinata Energy situated in the college behind female students hostel, which is the second to be completed and commissioned among others 3 stations in Kaduna state.  
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These are some of his few scorecard to mention but few.

Accept the warmest regards of the Digital Team. 

Long live FCE Zaria Provost, Dr Suleiman Balarabe

Long Live Digital Team

Long live Federal College of Education, Zaria 

Long live Kaduna State 

Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria  


Comr. Umar Isah Ohimege

Chairman, Concerned College Community Members.