&Quot;I Used To Wrote Programming Codes On Mobile Phone&Quot; - Young Nigerian Man Shares Inspiring Story

Brilliant Nigerian Man identified Garzali Ahmad has shared his inspiring academic journey of becoming a tech person.

&Quot;I Used To Wrote Programming Codes On Mobile Phone&Quot; - Young Nigerian Man Shares Inspiring Story
"I Used To Wrote Programming Codes On Mobile Phone" - Young Nigerian Man Shares Inspiring Story 1

The young man who is a student of Federal University, Dutse Jigawa State has narrated his inspiring story in LinkedIn.

According to Garzali Ahmad he stated;

I hope my Career story inspires you…

“I remember 6 years back when I was in SS2 in secondary school when I was inspired to learn computer from my computer teacher. He was an embedded system engineer.

Jameel Ibrahim Mukhtar was a very good person that wish to teach his students knowledge of computers.

I started having a love for being a programmer I wanted to be an embedded system engineer like him. 

I love seeing how he connects the Arduino with the breadboard, connects the resistors, capacitors, lead screen, and more, while working with C language to create a digital clock system, card attendance system, and more.

I became a joke to my friends and colleagues they nicknamed me a programmer. I lived the remaining years of secondary school.

I chose computer and electrical engineering at ABU Zaria in JAMB 2018 wanting to chase my dream of becoming a computer engineer where I can use that medium to become an embedded system engineer. 

Due to the university situation in Nigeria, fear of not getting admission into ABU Zaria made me change my institute to Federal University Dutse and my course to computer science.

Went for post-UTME a few months after finishing secondary school and got admission at FUD to study computer science.

At the Federal University Dutse 100 level I started looking for a mentor who can help me achieve my dream. 

I met a final-year student USMAN ABUBAKAR who was my first mentor in programming and helped me a lot in becoming who I am today. And I won’t forget how he trained me and motivated me to be better. He started teaching me the hardest part of Java and ran away from Java not knowing how strong the language was. And he still didn’t scold me. I switch to website developer around 2019.  Starting from basic #html, #css, #bootstrap, and #javascript.  It wasn’t easy at all but I still love to do it. 

Do you know that I started writing website development code on my smartphone? 

I don’t have a laptop, to begin with, but I meet someone who was more than a brother to me who always stop what he is doing with his computer and lend it to me whenever I have a practical lesson with USMAN ABUBAKAR (Mr. Nice). 

That friend is always my number in everything and thanks to him. I started learning #Php #MYSQL for #backend and #database still under the mentorship of Mr. Nice. With time Mr. nice graduated from FUD so I started self-learning and still meet many people through the line.

I got my first laptop at the end of 2019.

And continued the journey with full force.  With time I started understanding that what I learn outside the class was what will help me in what I will be taught in class and that happened.

Not part of the best student in the class but am good with writing programs.

We worked together and build projects together I was serving the role of a #frontenddeveloper while he work as the #backenddeveloper i deal with the user interface and user experience while he deals with the runtime server and database.

Well, I got my second laptop while working with him after 10 months then my career journey continued. 

I build my first portfolio using modern website developer tools https://garoweb.vercel.app created a linked account https://www.LinkedIn.com/in/garosakie it was really a lovely journey growing every day. 

I applied for jobs online and got rejected multiple times and I never feel bad for that. It’s still part of the journey. 

It is 2023 already and Alhamdulilah for the progress and blessings. 

The journey wasn’t easy, no one from the family understood me except one of my uncles who understood and motivated me to continue.

I continued my career journey balancing my time for lectures and self-learning sometimes I failed to attend class because I wanted to build my career. 

My new Dream was to be a Software engineer.

I finished level 2 without a laptop. My laptop collapsed and I spent up to 8 months without coding. It wasn’t easy not doing my hobby and the journey to my dream paused for months but not ended.

I taught many people programming physically and virtually through a WhatsApp group chat. And creating video content that will simplify the way to learn. 

I was happy being someone that motivates people to learn and build careers in tech. I was the Google developer student club lead in FUD from 2021 to 2022. 

Being a lead was one of the best stages in my life that helped me found myself, and meet more than 150+ people that are in tech and better than me.

I connected with them, learn from them and became a better version of myself. 

I meet people who have bigger dreams and work hard to achieve their dream Bukhari Auwal Idris was one of the experts in using #python kudos to you sir.

But I was surprised when they came to believe in me when they saw me earning at first.  I was shocked so if you don’t get money nobody will value you and believe in you from my end I believed acquiring the skill first is the most important money comes after.

So that was my journey in my career and hope my story will inspire people who know tech is the future one thing I love in tech is working from home we call it #remotejob and while working from home in tech all that will cost you are getting a good laptop, gadget, stable electricity and internet.

If you want to start your career in tech. contact me for guidance so you don’t make the mistake I did.

Bye, for now, #GaroSarkie Full stack developer

I taught programming to students, mentored them organized events for them to motivate them to build careers in tech.

After my first semester 300 level around February 2022 I decided to start a business since we are on the strike and no one knew when we are resuming.

Have a business idea but don’t have the capital for the business. I contacted my cousin and he asked me for a business proposal so I jumped into creating one so that I can get capital to start with.

After designing my first business proposal I sent it to my cousin and other people just wanting to have one person that can trust me with money and help me to start a business.

I wasn’t asking for capital for free or a loan. No, I was looking for an investor that can invest in my business idea and be a stakeholder in the business. My proposal leads me to my second interview.

My first interview was at Mahshell Soft Ltd for an internship around January 2019 but I didn’t pass.

The second interview was for an investment to start my business. that journey in life. Well, I was interviewed by Aliyu Rabiu (Rabal) for an hour online.

I wasn’t that good at programming but the interviewer was impressed with my business idea. He asked me to send my CV.

Do you know I was like sir I haven’t? finished my degree he answered in tech all we need to hire someone is his skills, not his degree so he gave me a hint and I started designing my first CV.

Rabiyu Aliyu gave me a chance to work with him not a salary job but a space to learn and earn at the same time, That was in march 2022. He introduced me to someone who is good in mobile and website development a very kind person, a mentor a friend, and a brother.

That person was the best person I meet in 2022.

He guided me and motivated me to learn and up skills. He helped me in learning advanced #JavaScript, #reactjs #nodej s #MongoDB he was always there for me whenever I need his help to solve a bug.

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