List Of Fce Zaria Nce Courses Combinations

The Federal College of Education, Zaria, formerly known as the Advance Teachers’ College,(A.T.C) Zaria, is located in Zaria. The town lies between Latitude 11.07 and 12 degrees North and Longitude 07.44 and 8 degrees east. Located at a distance of about 962km from the Atlantic Ocean, it is about 80 kilometers North of Kaduna, the Capital of Kaduna State.

The College is organized into Schools, each headed by a Dean. Every School is made up of a number of departments of related subjects. The affairs of the departments are managed by the heads of Departments.

The provost is both the administrative and Academic Head of the College. He is assisted by the Deputy Provost who acts as Provost, in the absence of the Provost.

List of FCE zaria NCE Courses Combinations

  1. Adult Education Double Major (ADDM
  2. Economics – Social Studies (ECSS)
  3. English – Christian Religion Studies (ENCR)
  4. Integrated Science – Physics (INPY)
  5. Integrated Science Double Major (INDM)
  6. Social Studies – Political Science (SSPL)
  7. Agricultural Education Double Major (AEDM)
  8. Economics – Theatre Arts (ECTH)
  9. English – Economics (ENEC)
  10. Islamic Studies – Geography (ISGE)
  11. Integrated Science – Geography (INGE)
  12. Social Studies – Theatre Arts (SSTH)
  13. English – French (ENFR)
  14. Islamic Studies – Political Science (ISPL)
  15. Integrated Science – Mathematics (INMA)
  16. Christian Religion Studies – Social Studies (CRSS)
  17. Arabic – English (AREN)
  18. English – Creative Arts (ENCA)
  19. Arabic – Hausa (ARHL)
  20. English – Geography (ENGE)
  21. Islamic Studies – Social Studies (ISSS)
  22. Social Studies – French (SSFR)
  23. Arabic – Islamic Studies (ARIS)
  24. English – Hausa (ENHL)
  25. Mathematics – Computer (MACO)
  26. Business Education Double Major (BEDM)
  27. English – Igbo (ENIG)
  28. Mathematics – Economics (MAEC)
  29. Biology – Computer (BICO)
  30. English – Islamic Studies (ENIS)
  31. Mathematics – Geography (MAGE)
  32. Biology – Integrated Science (BIN)
  33. English – Political Science (ENPL)
  34. Mathematics – Physics (MAPY)
  35. Biology – Mathematics (BIMA)
  36. English – Social Studies (ENSS)
  37. Primary Education Double Major (PEDM)
  38. Chemistry – Computer (CHCO)
  39. English – Theatre Arts (ENTH)
  40. Early Childhood Care Education (ECCE)
  41. English – Yoruba (ENYR)
  42. Physics – Computer (PYCO)
  43. Chemistry – Integrated Science (CHIN)
  44. Chemistry – Mathematics (CHMA)
  45. Fine Arts Double Major (FADM)
  46. Special Education – Christian Religion Studies (SECR)
  47. Geography – Computer (GECO)
  48. Special Education – Economics (SEEC)
  49. Computer – Economics (COEC)
  50. Geography – Social Studies (GESS)
  51. Special Education – Geography (SEGE)
  52. Christian Religion Studies – Creative Arts (CRCA)
  53. Primary Health Education Double Major (PHEDM)
  54. Special Education – Hausa (SEHL)
  55. Christian Religion – Economics (CREC)
  56. Hausa – Economics (HLEC)
  57. Special Education – Islamic Studies (SEIS)
  58. Christian Religion Studies – Geography (CRGE)
  59. Hausa – Islamic Studies (HLIS)
  60. Special Education – Social Studies (SESS)
  61. Christian Religion Studies – Political Science (CRPL)
  62. Hausa – Political Science (HLPL)
  63. Special Education – English (SPEN)
  64. Christian Religion Studies – Social Studies (CRSS)
  65. Hausa – Social Studies (HLSS)
  66. Social Studies – Political Science (SPPL)
  67. English – Cultural and Creative Arts (ECCA)
  68. Igbo – Social Studies (IGSS)
  69. Yoruba – Christian Religion Studies (YRCE)
  70. Social Studies – Cultural and Creative Arts (SSCA)
  71. Integrated Science – Computer Science (INCO)
  72. Social Studies Double Major (SSDM)
  73. Economics – Islamic Studies (ECIS)
  74. Home Economics Double Major (HEDM)
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